Silage Cart:
Painted steel bin
- 2 pneumatic 16” wheels (40cm)
- 1 or 2 optional swivelling wheels
- 30 Bushels Capacity – (38.5ft3 – 1,09 m3)
- Dimensions of the Bin – 52”x46”x33” (130 x 115 x 83 cm)
- Weight – 202 lbs (92 kg)
Grain Cart:
Painted steel bin
- 2 pneumatic 16” wheels (40cm)
- 1 or 2 optional swivelling wheels
- 13 Bushels Capacity – (16.7pi3 – ,47 m3)
- Dimensions of the Bin – 56”x25”x22” (140 x 63 x 55 cm)
- Weight – 146 lbs (66 kg)
Square Bale Carrier Cart with Steering System:
4 pneumatic 16” steering wheels (40cm)
- Steering rod
- Support a load of 1500 lbs (680 kg)
- Dimensions – 85” x 30” x 33” (216 x 76 x 83 cm)
- Weight – 325 lbs (147 kg)
Round Bale Unroller Cart:
40” rotating platform.
- Four 16” pneumatic steering wheels
- Rotation axis
- Removable handle which can be installed at the front or at the rear
- Brake lever (at the front and at the rear)
Sanitary Cart:
For pails and milking units
- Paper towel distributor
- 2 pneumatic 16” wheels (40cm)
- 2 Swivels Wheels – 48” or 60”
- Two Sizes Available – 48” (1,2 m) and 60” (1,5 m)
- Dimensions – 27”x 68” (67,5 cm x 1,7 m)
- Weight – 130 lbs (59 kg)
Grain Augers:
Indispensable to connect grinders, mills, silo, etc.
- 3.5” (8,7 cm) flexible auger
- 4.5” (11,2 cm) rigid auger
- Can be suspended to steel cables or buried in the ground
- Complementary accessories available